How We Lead Our Community In Water Conservation: Tips

How We Lead Our Community In Water Conservation: Tips
Why is important to conserve even when water is abundant?
Save Water Now for Utah’s Sustainable Future!
Learn how we lead our community in water conservation for our homes and business, learn about water conservation guides, incentives, conservation events and our successes.
October 2024
- I will Shower Better by replacing my old showerhead with a WaterSense labeled model.
- For Energy Awareness Month, I will save the energy used to heat water by taking shorter showers.
November 2024
- I will test my toilet for leaks and install a new flapper, if needed. If I need a new toilet, I will install a WaterSense labeled model.
December 2024
- I will only run my dishwasher when it is full and scrape leftover food into the trash instead of using the garbage disposal.
- I will ring in the new year by renewing my pledge to save water in 2025.
For more ideas about saving water, visit the WaterSense website at or follow us on social media.